Safe Food
For All
Welcome to PSD-Nepal
Pesticide Use in Nepal Welcome to PSD-Nepal Farmers Survey Welcome to PSD-Nepal Safe Use of Pesticides Welcome to PSD-Nepal

How We Work?

Dietary risk

Dietary risk

Pesticide application

Pesticide application

Pesticides in soil

Pesticides in soil



Message from the President

Govinda Bhandari, PhD

Dear All
Greetings from PSD-Nepal,
I am glad and honored for the responsibility to lead this institution that rests on the block of my colleagues who had their first image in a dream and made it possible this time. I am thankful for the support of countless well-wishers including but not limited to advisory board members, staff members, volunteers who made PSD-Nepal a venue for scientific publications among global researchers through the International Journal of Environment (IJE).  Read More

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What We Are Doing ?

Analytical work
We handle equipment such as LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS for quantifying the pesticide residues in different food commodities.
We conduct questionnaire survey for assessing the knowledge, attitude and behaviour among pesticide stakeholders.
We conduct scientific writing and publishing training for young and earlier carrier researchers from different universities, research centres and organisations.
Risk assessment
We use EFSA methods for assessing health and the environmental risk of pesticides.

Latest Research Activities

Some Case Studies

Joining Hands to Help The Journal

International Journal of Environment (eISSN 2091-2854) is indexed on DOAJ and CABI databases

We Need Your Help

Research writing and publishing is an integral part to fill knowledge gaps in academia. Nepal is a developing country with limited research activities and training opportunities. Therefore, the rejection of articles submitted by Nepalese researchers is high in comparison to articles submitted by international researchers. To enhance writing skills among Nepalese researchers, we need your support for conducting scientific writing and publishing workshops in Nepal.

Together We Can Make A Difference

Improper pesticide handling, transport and storage are common practices among Nepalese farmers and pesticide retailers. Farmers use chemical pesticides in an unsafe way. They do not wear safety gears while applying pesticides at their fields. Similarly, retailers lack sufficient knowledge on pesticide safety. The poor pesticide knowledge and behaviour of farmers and retailers can increase potential risk to their health as well as to the integrity of nature. Education and training to pesticide stakeholders about the safe pesticide handling practices can improve the current situation of pesticide use in Nepal. The government of Nepal must strengthen monitoring mechanisms to reduce the illegal import of pesticides that are banned in the EU.

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